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Disclaimer and Considerations

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Massage therapy and Bodywork services are for the primary purpose of Short-Term relaxation and the relief of muscular tension. Massage therapy services are in no way a substitute for examination, diagnosis or treatment by a physician. The individual providing massage therapy services are not qualified to diagnose, prescribe or treat any physical or mental illness and are not qualified to perform spinal or skeletal adjustments. All information we provide is educational in nature and is to be used at your own risk.

Sattva Oasis LLC is working in collaboration with Certified Practitioners if you wish to further determine your constitution or imbalances. Referrals for Ayurvedic Wellness, Women's Health, or other Specialist in the area are available. 

Please allow at least 24 hours notice if cancelling or rescheduling your appointment. Additionally, if you are sick with the cold or flu, kindly reschedule your appointment. You will be offered this same consideration. 

This site is a work in progress. New treatments and packages will be added. Please check back soon. 

© 2023 Sattva Oasis LLC

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